The BBC Bitesize – revision app is just the app for you if you’re 14-16 and studying for your GCSEs, TGAU, Nationals or Highers. It’s not intended to be used by under-13s (if this is you, check out our website at instead).
The app is available for smartphones and tablets and has the key information you need, broken down into brilliant bite-sized chunks, wherever and whenever you need it. It’s completely free and there are no in-app purchases.
It now includes Flashcards for the new 9-1 GCSEs in Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Sign in to set your subjects and exam board and you’ll only see the stuff that’s relevant to you.
Revision Guides give you on-the-go access to the usual Bitesize life-savers: packed with information you’ll need for exam success.
Flashcards come in decks. They’re a fast way to get the most important info into your head: with summaries, glossaries, videos, infographics, quizzes and quotes.
What’s in the app?
Just for you
The BBC Bitesize - revision app allows you to pick your subjects and exam boards so that every time you use the app, you’ll only find the stuff you’re studying.
On-the-go revision
Only got a few minutes? Use our Flashcards to refresh your memory. They come in lots of handy formats for you to swipe through:
• Summary: get to the most important bits fast with bullet point reminders
• Video: watch even the trickiest topics explained in simple clips
• Infographics: help the key facts stick in your head with visual cues
• Quizzes: test your knowledge and see what you need to brush up on
• Glossary: all the words you need to know at-a-glance
Get stuck in
If you’ve got a bit more time on your hands, you can access BBC Bitesize revision guides from the website, optimised for your mobile.
If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at
Find out about your privacy rights and the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at
We've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. Find out more at
To give you the best experience, this app tracks your selected nation, language, subjects and exam specifications to provide you with customised revision content. We also track what content you view and record anonymous performance stats to help us improve the app. You can choose to opt out of this from the in-app settings menu.
Click on the “Visit web page” link below to find out more.
BBC Bitesize - revisi aplikasi hanya aplikasi untuk Anda jika Anda 14-16 dan belajar untuk GCSE Anda, TGAU, Nationals atau Highers. Ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh under-13s (jika ini adalah Anda, memeriksa situs web kami di sebaliknya).
Aplikasi ini tersedia untuk smartphone dan tablet dan memiliki informasi penting yang perlu, dipecah menjadi seukuran gigitan potongan brilian, dimanapun dan kapanpun Anda membutuhkannya. Ini benar-benar gratis dan tidak ada pembelian di-app.
Ini sekarang termasuk Flashcards untuk baru 9-1 GCSE di Matematika, Bahasa Inggris, Biologi, Kimia dan Fisika.
Masuk untuk mengatur subjek dan papan ujian dan Anda hanya akan melihat hal-hal yang relevan untuk Anda.
Revisi Panduan memberikan on-the-go akses ke biasa Bitesize hidup hemat: dikemas dengan informasi yang Anda perlukan untuk sukses ujian.
Flashcards datang dalam deck. Mereka cara cepat untuk mendapatkan info yang paling penting di kepala Anda: dengan ringkasan, glosarium, video, infografis, kuis dan kutipan.
Apa yang ada di aplikasi?
Hanya untuk Anda
BBC Bitesize - revisi aplikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih subjek Anda dan papan ujian sehingga setiap kali Anda menggunakan aplikasi, Anda hanya akan menemukan hal-hal yang Anda belajar.
On-the-go revisi
Hanya punya beberapa menit? Gunakan Flashcards kami untuk menyegarkan ingatan Anda. Mereka datang dalam banyak format berguna bagi Anda untuk menggesek melalui:
&banteng; Ringkasan: sampai ke bit yang paling penting cepat dengan titik pengingat peluru
&banteng; Video: menonton bahkan topik paling sulit dijelaskan dalam klip sederhana
&banteng; Infografis: membantu fakta-fakta kunci menempel di kepala Anda dengan isyarat visual
&banteng; Kuis: menguji pengetahuan Anda dan melihat apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk memoles
&banteng; Istilah: semua kata yang perlu Anda ketahui di-a-sekilas
Dapatkan terjebak dalam
Jika Anda punya sedikit lebih banyak waktu di tangan Anda, Anda dapat mengakses BBC Bitesize panduan revisi dari website, dioptimalkan untuk ponsel Anda.
Jika Anda menginstal aplikasi ini Anda menerima Persyaratan BBC Penggunaan di
Cari tahu tentang hak-hak Anda privasi dan Privasi BBC dan Kebijakan Cookie di
Kami telah membuat beberapa perubahan penting untuk Privasi dan Kebijakan Cookie dan kami ingin Anda tahu apa artinya ini bagi Anda dan data Anda. Cari tahu lebih lanjut di
Untuk memberikan pengalaman terbaik, aplikasi ini melacak yang dipilih bangsa, bahasa, mata pelajaran dan spesifikasi ujian untuk menyediakan Anda dengan konten revisi disesuaikan. Kami juga melacak konten apa yang Anda melihat dan merekam statistik kinerja anonim untuk membantu kami meningkatkan aplikasi. Anda dapat memilih untuk keluar dari ini dari menu pengaturan di aplikasi.
Klik pada link “Visit halaman web” di bawah ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.
The BBC Bitesize – revision app is just the app for you if you’re 14-16 and studying for your GCSEs, TGAU, Nationals or Highers. It’s not intended to be used by under-13s (if this is you, check out our website at instead).
The app is available for smartphones and tablets and has the key information you need, broken down into brilliant bite-sized chunks, wherever and whenever you need it. It’s completely free and there are no in-app purchases.
It now includes Flashcards for the new 9-1 GCSEs in Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Sign in to set your subjects and exam board and you’ll only see the stuff that’s relevant to you.
Revision Guides give you on-the-go access to the usual Bitesize life-savers: packed with information you’ll need for exam success.
Flashcards come in decks. They’re a fast way to get the most important info into your head: with summaries, glossaries, videos, infographics, quizzes and quotes.
What’s in the app?
Just for you
The BBC Bitesize - revision app allows you to pick your subjects and exam boards so that every time you use the app, you’ll only find the stuff you’re studying.
On-the-go revision
Only got a few minutes? Use our Flashcards to refresh your memory. They come in lots of handy formats for you to swipe through:
• Summary: get to the most important bits fast with bullet point reminders
• Video: watch even the trickiest topics explained in simple clips
• Infographics: help the key facts stick in your head with visual cues
• Quizzes: test your knowledge and see what you need to brush up on
• Glossary: all the words you need to know at-a-glance
Get stuck in
If you’ve got a bit more time on your hands, you can access BBC Bitesize revision guides from the website, optimised for your mobile.
If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at
Find out about your privacy rights and the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at
We've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. Find out more at
To give you the best experience, this app tracks your selected nation, language, subjects and exam specifications to provide you with customised revision content. We also track what content you view and record anonymous performance stats to help us improve the app. You can choose to opt out of this from the in-app settings menu.
Click on the “Visit web page” link below to find out more.